SVGGraph options: whisker_width

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Option name:
Default value:
Added in version:
Data type:
number [?]

The datatypes used in this documentation for specifying SVGGraph options are described below. All options can be a literal value of the data type described, a variable containing the data type, or an expression that will produce the data type when evaluated (and they must always be valid PHP expressions).

An array, the number and data types of its members will depend on the option for which is it used.
A boolean TRUE or FALSE value, or any values that convert easily such as 1, "1", 0 and "".
A callable function, which can be either the name of a function or an anonymous function itself.
Any of the colour values supported by SVG inside a single or double quoted string. These include three and six digit hex codes, RGB and RGBA colours, and colour names. SVG uses "none" for no colour, which generally leaves things transparent.
A colour value or one of the gradients and patterns supported by SVGGraph. See the SVGGraph colours page for details.
A negative or positive whole number or 0.
An integer or float value, or a string containing a number followed by one of these CSS units: px, in, cm, mm, pt, pc.
Any number supported by PHP, for example 1 or -3.2 or 1.63e5 or M_PI.
Single or double quoted strings. Remember to double-quote your strings if you are inserting a line break:
"Line 1\nLine 2".
Supported by:
line bar

Length of horizontal whisker line.

This option specifies the length of the horizontal lines at the ends of the box and whisker graph's whiskers, as a proportion of the width of the box section. The default value 0.75 means that the line will be 3/4 or 75% of the width of the box.

The width of the box is configured using the normal bar graph settings, bar_space and bar_width_min to determine the width from the available space on the graph, or bar_width to use a fixed width value.


$settings['bar_width'] = 30;
$settings['whisker_width'] = 2/3;

This example will draw the boxes 30 pixels wide and the whisker end lines 2/3 of that value or 20 pixels long.

See also:
whisker_dash median_stroke_width bar_width bar_width_min bar_space

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