SVGGraph options tagged 'border'

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This page lists all the options currently available for use in the SVGGraph constructor's $settings array. The lists of graph types and tags can be used to filter the list of options, and each option name is a link to a page with further details about the option.

Graph type support: ArrayGraph Bar3DGraph BarAndLineGraph BarGraph BoxAndWhiskerGraph BubbleGraph CandlestickGraph CylinderGraph Donut3DGraph DonutGraph EmptyGraph ExplodedDonut3DGraph ExplodedDonutGraph ExplodedPie3DGraph ExplodedPieGraph ExplodedSemiDonut3DGraph ExplodedSemiDonutGraph FloatingBarGraph GanttChart GroupedBar3DGraph GroupedBarGraph GroupedCylinderGraph Histogram HorizontalBar3DGraph HorizontalBarGraph HorizontalFloatingBarGraph HorizontalGroupedBar3DGraph HorizontalGroupedBarGraph HorizontalStackedBar3DGraph HorizontalStackedBarGraph LineGraph MultiLineGraph MultiRadarGraph MultiScatterGraph MultiSteppedLineGraph Pie3DGraph PieGraph PolarArea3DGraph PolarAreaGraph PopulationPyramid RadarGraph ScatterGraph SemiDonut3DGraph SemiDonutGraph StackedBar3DGraph StackedBarAndLineGraph StackedBarGraph StackedCylinderGraph StackedGroupedBar3DGraph StackedGroupedBarGraph StackedGroupedCylinderGraph StackedLineGraph SteppedLineGraph

Tags: 3D average axis background bar best-fit border bubble callback compatibility context-menu crosshairs data-label datetime deprecated donut figure filter font gantt global grid grouped guideline histogram image javascript label legend line magnify marker metadata milestone multi-axis opacity padding pie radar scatter shadow shape stacked structure subgraph target text title tooltip trend

15 options with tag border:

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Option Default Summary
back_round 0 Radius of rounded background edge.
back_round_clip false If true, adds a clip path to the background rectangle to prevent drawing over the rounded corners.
back_stroke_colour "rgb(0,0,0)" Colour of background edge.
back_stroke_width 1 Thickness of background edge.
context_colour "black" Colour of context menu title text and border.
context_round 0 Radius of rounded context menu corners.
context_stroke_width 1 Thickness of line around context menu.
data_label_outline_colour "rgb(0,0,0)" Edge colour for data labels.
data_label_outline_thickness 1 Line thickness for data labels.
legend_stroke_colour "black" Colour of legend border.
legend_stroke_width 1 Thickness of legend border.
tooltip_colour "black" Tooltip text/border colour.
tooltip_round 0 Radius of rounded tooltip corner.
tooltip_stroke_colour null Sets colour of border around tooltip.
tooltip_stroke_width 1 Tooltip border thickness.

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