News - 31/08/2009


JPEG Saver 3.6 is now available from the downloads page. This version fixes a couple of bugs (one loading Exif data, and another where JPEG Saver could crash if you used the Now Playing item with iTunes listening to the radio) and adds a few new options. The most obvious new option is a "Reverse" option on the main dialog - if you're using one of the modes where the changing of images has a direction, then this will make it go the opposite way. I've renamed the "Remember last" checkbox to "Resume" to make more space for it.

The other new options are available when JPEG Saver is running with navigation enabled. Pressing F10 will save the current screen to a BMP file and use it as the desktop background wallpaper. This uses code from a program that I wrote years ago and forgot about after I decided Wallpaper Changer did a much better job.

The last of the new options is for moving the current image to the Recycle Bin. If you really want to use it, the key combination to press is Control-Delete. Use it at your own risk. Screen savers don't kill people, screens do (if they're big and heavy and land on your head).

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