JPEG Saver config — Open with applications dialog
This dialog controls which applications are used for opening files when interactive options are enabled and the “Open” key is pressed.
- Application mappings list
- Add mapping button
- Edit mapping button
- Delete mapping button
- Clear mappings button
Application mappings list
This list displays all the mappings that have been set up, showing the application, its arguments and the file types mapped to it. Any rows that don't have file types assigned will be removed when the dialog is closed.
The same application can be added mupltiple times if you want to use different arguments with different file types.
Add mapping button
This button opens the Open with editor dialog to add a new mapping.
Edit mapping button
This button opens the Open with editor dialog to edit the selected mapping, or you could double-click on the entry you want to edit.
Delete mapping button
This button deletes the selected mapping, or you could press the “Delete” or “Backspace” keys.
Clear mappings button
This button clears all the mappings.