News archive
JPEG Saver 5.34
Another new version of JPEG Saver without much new stuff in it, but it does have a couple of useful features added.
AVIF by magic...
Adding AVIF image support was pretty simple once I had figured out how to compile dav1d - the libheif library does all the hard work, and JPEG Saver was already using it for HEIC images.
Open with...
The interactive options dialog now has a new button in it called “Edit apps…” which lets you set up applications that will be used for opening files from the screensaver. If you don't set up any applications, then JPEG Saver will continue opening files using the default Windows applications the same way it did before.
JPEG Saver 5.33.1
Here's a quick update to fix the false positives that some virus scanners were reporting for the last couple of versions. I wasn't expecting it to be this easy to fix, which is why this update is coming so soon after 5.33.
Failure to launch
The virus warnings were not caused by the main JPEG Saver screensaver, but by the small utility I included for launching it in desktop helper mode. I've fixed it by removing the utility - the installer now installs a second copy of JPEG Saver that checks its own filename and uses that to decide whether to run as a screensaver or the desktop helper.
Why the trojan identification?
As far as I can make out, the launcher is flagged as a trojan because it starts the screensaver and passes in an argument.
JPEG Saver 5.33
This new version took longer than I wanted and has less new stuff in it than I wanted too. But here it is anyway.
Flipping HEIC
Support for loading HEIC images was really easy to add using the libheif library. It still took me two weeks though, because I thought it would be a good idea to use a package manager for a change. Until now I have been manually compiling the libraries that JPEG Saver uses, which can be quite a pain.
Enter vcpkg
vcpkg is a simple, easy to use package manager that works with Visual Studio and makes it easy to add, update and manage dependencies.
JPEG Saver 5.32
This new version of JPEG Saver is mostly concerned with improving metadata support. Plus there are a few bugs fixed.
Metadata everywhere
Until now metadata support has been mostly limited to reading Exif metadata, IPTC metadata and ICC colour profiles (ICCP) from JPEG images. For version 5.32 I wanted to support reading from more file types and more types of metadata.
JPEG Saver 5.31
Here's another JPEG Saver update, this time mostly improving things that were already there.
What, nothing new?
OK, there is a new option - in the interactive options dialog there is now an option to write deleted files to a specific folder instead of using the recycle bin. This is for people who use network shares or some other kind of filesystem where there is no recycle bin. Or for anyone who wants to use the delete option for moving files somewhere else.