JPEG Saver command-line options

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JPEG Saver supports all the standard Windows command-line options for screen savers, and version 4.6 adds some extra options for controlling JPEG Saver's config and other files.

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Standard options

Here are the options that should be supported by all Windows screen savers, not just JPEG Saver.

Note: if the screen saver is installed in the default location (C:\Windows\System32 or C:\Windows) then it will automatically be available in the default path. If you installed somewhere else, you will need to provide the full path to the .scr file on the command line.

C:\> JPEGSavr.scr

Opens the screen saver config dialog.

C:\> JPEGSavr.scr /c

Opens the screen saver config dialog, with the currently active window as its parent.

C:\> JPEGSavr.scr /s

Starts the screen saver.

There is another option, “/p <window handle>”, used by the Control Panel to display the small screen saver preview. It is not much use to the average user.

Additional options

JPEG Saver version 4.6 adds some options to make things easier for people who want to start it from a script or change the config files it uses. The new options are /f to set the config file, /d to set the database file, /w to set the desktop wallpaper file and /u to use any of the other options without opening the dialog or starting the screen saver.

All of these new options must be used with either the /c or /s options to modify the default behaviour.

Config file - /f

This is the main file that JPEG Saver uses to store all its settings. Depending on the option used during installation, it would normally be stored in the user's personal folder or possibly in the same folder as the JPEGSavr.scr file, or you could have used the "Save as..." option to save it somewhere else.

The location and name of the current config file is stored in the registry, so the /f option overrides this value.

C:\> JPEGSavr.scr /c /f <config file path>

Opens the config dialog and edits the selected config file, without changing the registry entry.

C:\> JPEGSavr.scr /s /f <config file path>

Starts the screen saver using the selected config file, ignoring the registry entry.

Database file - /d

The database file is used to store the locations and some other basic details of the images that JPEG Saver will display. It is updated every time the screen saver runs.

If you are using the /f option to set config files with different sets of folders, then you should also use a separate database file with each config to prevent the whole database being rewritten when the screen saver starts up.

C:\> JPEGSavr.scr /c /f <config file path> /d <database file path>

Opens the config dialog with the selected config file and sets the database file.

C:\> JPEGSavr.scr /s /f <config file path> /d <database file path>

Starts the screen saver with the selected config and database files.

The database file location is saved to the config file, so you do not need to specify it every time you use the /f option.

Wallpaper file - /w

When the "Interactive" option is enabled, pressing F10 saves the current screen as a BMP file and sets it as the desktop background image. The /w option allows you to specify the name and location of the file used.

C:\> JPEGSavr.scr /c /f <config file path> /w <wallpaper file path>

Opens the config dialog with the selected config file and sets the wallpaper file. The wallpaper file path is saved to the config file.

C:\> JPEGSavr.scr /s /w <wallpaper file path>

Starts the screen saver, using the provided path for the wallpaper file.

“Use” option - /u

While the /f, /d and /w options tell JPEG Saver to use specific files, they do not change the config file that is used when the screen saver starts automatically. For that, you should use the /u option.

C:\> JPEGSavr.scr /c /u /q /f <config file path>

This makes JPEG Saver update the registry key that specifies the config file to use with the value provided, and then exit without displaying anything. The next time Windows starts the screen saver it will use this file.

The /q option here is for “quiet” - without it, JPEG Saver will pop up a dialog to tell you that it has successfully updated the registry.

The /c option must be used with /u, and /u can be used with any or all of /f, /d and /w to set them for use.

Slideshow view option - /v

This option was added in version 4.16 to enable using JPEG Saver as a slideshow viewer, and is used by the Windows Explorer folder context menu handler.

C:\> JPEGSavr.scr /s /v <folder to view>

The option takes a single argument, the folder to view. JPEG Saver will run using a memory-based database using the default config file with these modifications:

The slideshow will also use the options specified in the Interactive options dialog.

Windowed mode - /g

This option was added in version 5.24 to enable using JPEG Saver in a standard desktop window, and it must be used with the /s option. The /g stands for “geometry”, as used in X11 -geometry options.

The resulting desktop window behaves slightly differently to the screensaver window, ignoring the mouse clicks and window activations that would usually make JPEG Saver exit. (You can use the “Escape” key to close the window.)

C:\> JPEGSavr.scr /s /g <geometry>

The geometry is a required argument which sets the window size and position. The format of the geometry is WxH[±X[±Y]]. The width and height are required, the X and Y values are assumed to be 0 if not supplied.


A 1000 pixel by 500 pixel window at (0,0).

C:\> JPEGSavr.scr /s /g 1000x500

A 640 pixel by 480 pixel window at (100,200).

C:\> JPEGSavr.scr /s /g 640x480+100+200

A 640 pixel by 480 pixel window at (-1000,200).

C:\> JPEGSavr.scr /s /g 640x480-1000+200

Coordinates are relative to the primary screen, so (-1000,200) is on a screen that is 1000 pixels to the left of the primary. JPEG Saver will not draw the window off the screen, so you can use something like (-50000,-50000) for the top-left or (50000,50000) for the bottom right.

Desktop helper - /b and /q

The desktop helper process that has been available since version 5.3 can be started and stopped using the /b and /q options. These do not need to be used with the /c or /s options.

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