SVGGraph Scatter Graphs

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SVGGraph currently contains the ScatterGraph and MultiScatterGraph PHP classes for drawing SVG scatter graphs. An example of each type is shown below.


Example code

Here are the settings and PHP code used to generate the multi-scatter graph above:

require_once 'SVGGraph/autoloader.php';

$settings = array(
  'back_colour'       => '#eee',
  'stroke_colour'     => '#000',
  'back_stroke_width' => 0,
  'back_stroke_colour'=> '#eee',
  'axis_colour'       => '#333',
  'axis_overlap'      => 2,
  'axis_font'         => 'Arial',
  'axis_font_size'    => 10,
  'grid_colour'       => '#666',
  'label_colour'      => '#000',
  'pad_right'         => 20,
  'pad_left'          => 20,
  'marker_colour'     => array('red', 'blue', 'green', 'orange'),
  'marker_type'       => array('square', 'triangle', 'x', 'cross'),
  'marker_size'       => array(2, 3, 4, 3),
  'scatter_2d'        => true,
  'best_fit'          => 'straight',
  'best_fit_dash'     => '2,2',
  'best_fit_colour'   => array('red', 'blue', 'green', 'orange'),

$graph = new Goat1000\SVGGraph\SVGGraph(300, 200, $settings);


This is not the actual code used by the graph - most of the example graphs on these pages are generated by a single PHP script. The scatter graph data is generated at random by a simple function, not shown here.

MultiScatter styling

The marker_size, marker_type, marker_colour, marker_stroke_colour and marker_stroke_width options all support the use of arrays to specify different options for each data set, as explained on the line graphs page and demonstrated in the example above.

For more details and examples of the marker options, see the markers page.

Scatter and MultiScatter graph data

The standard way to pass data to any of the graph types is by passing in a simple array:

$values = array(
  1 => 20, 3 => 40, 4 => 30, 5 => 60, 7 => 80, 9 => 70

$graph = new Goat1000\SVGGraph\SVGGraph(300, 200, $settings);

This is fine, except that multiple points on a scatter graph may share the same x-coordinate - which is impossible to specify by using the key => value pairs of an array.

To solve this, I added a new option in version 2.4, scatter_2d. This option makes the scatter graphs accept data as an array of pairs of coordinates:

$values = array(
  array(1,20), array(1,50), array(3,40), array(4,30),
  array(5,60), array(7,80), array(7,40), array(9,70)
$settings['scatter_2d'] = true;

$graph = new Goat1000\SVGGraph\SVGGraph(300, 200, $settings);

Note: to use data in this format you must set the scatter_2d option to true; none of the other graph types support data in this format. The scatter_2d format has been superseded by the structured data format, which would look like this:

$values = array(
  array(1,20), array(1,50), array(3,40), array(4,30),
  array(5,60), array(7,80), array(7,40), array(9,70)
$settings['structure'] = array(
  'key' => 0,
  'value' => 1

$graph = new Goat1000\SVGGraph\SVGGraph(300, 200, $settings);

The $values array is the same, but the scatter_2d option has been replaced by the structure option, describing how the data values are arranged.

Best-fit or trend lines

Version 2.10 of SVGGraph added a new option for the scatter graphs, best_fit - this defaults to null for no best-fit line, though it may be set to either “straight” or “curve” to produce either straight or curved lines. Curved line support was added in version 3.20 and best-fit line support was added for line graphs in version 2.21.

For some extra control over the appearance of the line there are some more options: best_fit_colour, best_fit_width and best_fit_dash. All of these options (and best_fit itself) support using arrays to specify different options for each data set.

Best-fit lines

This example uses four datasets, each with its own best-fit line. For clarity I have used the same colour for the best-fit lines and markers from the same dataset. The options required for this are shown below.

// The datasets in order are red, green, blue and grey
$settings = array(
  'best_fit' => 'straight',
  //'best_fit_colour' => array('#e11', '#1b1', '#11e', '#888'),
  'best_fit_colour' => 'fillColour',
  'best_fit_range' => array(array(NULL, NULL), array(1, 6), array(0, 9)),
  'best_fit_project' => 'both',
  'best_fit_project_opacity' => 0.5,

Datasets 0 and 3 (red and grey) are using the full width of the grid area for calculating the line, specified using a range of array(NULL, NULL). Dataset 1 (green) is using a best_fit_range of array(1, 6) to limit the markers used in calculating the angle of the line. I've added a pale green shape to highlight the area here. Only the green markers inside the shaded area are used to calculate the line angle, those outside are ignored.

The best_fit_project option is set to both to continue all the lines outside their ranges. For datasets 0 and 3 this makes no difference because they have no ranges set, but for datasets 1 and 2 the projected part is visible as the dashed line segments, with its opacity reduced to 50% using best_fit_project_opacity.

Curved best-fit lines

The example below shows the same data with the best_fit option set to “curve”. The graph is produced using random points, so drawing a curved line through them doesn't make much sense, but I have done it to show how it looks.

Curved best-fit lines

All of these lines are using the default, “quintic” curve type, though that can be changed using the best_fit_type option.

Using fillColour and fill

In earlier versions you needed to specify the colours of the lines explicitly, but from version 3.5 the fillColour value can be used to make the lines match the datasets. You can also use fillColour separately for the best_fit_project_colour option, but I don't recommend using fill for either option (because gradients applied to vertical or horizontal stroked lines make the lines disappear - that's a weird SVG thing, not something I've done).


These options are common to all graph types:

General options + Show table

This table lists the options that are common to all the grid-based graph types - the options for grid spacing, axis labelling, etc:

Grid-based graph options - Hide table

axis_colour "rgb(0,0,0)" Colour of axis lines and text.
axis_colour_h NULL Colour of horizontal axis.
axis_colour_v NULL Colour of vertical axis.
axis_double_x false Enables display of X axis at both sides of graph.
axis_double_y false Enables display of Y axis at both sides of graph.
axis_extend_bottom null Extends the bottom end of horizontal axes.
axis_extend_left null Extends the left side of horizontal axes.
axis_extend_right null Extends the right side of horizontal axes.
axis_extend_top null Extends the top end of horizontal axes.
axis_fallback_max 1 Sets a fallback value for the axis maximum when the graph contains all zero values.
axis_font "Courier New" Font for axis division labels.
axis_font_adjust 0.6 Font aspect ratio of axis division text.
axis_font_adjust_h NULL Font aspect ratio of horizontal axis division text.
axis_font_adjust_v NULL Font aspect ratio of vertical axis division text.
axis_font_h NULL Font for horizontal axis division labels.
axis_font_size 10 Font size for axis division labels.
axis_font_size_h NULL Font size for horizontal axis division labels.
axis_font_size_v NULL Font size for vertical axis division labels.
axis_font_v NULL Font for vertical axis division labels.
axis_font_weight "normal" Font weight for axis division labels.
axis_font_weight_h null Font weight for horizontal axis division labels.
axis_font_weight_v null Font weight for vertical axis division labels.
axis_label_position 0.5 Sets position of axis label as a fraction of the axis length.
axis_label_position_h null Sets position of horizontal axis label as a fraction of the axis length.
axis_label_position_v null Sets position of vertical axis label as a fraction of the axis length.
axis_levels_h null Sets the number of levels of horizontal axis division labels.
axis_levels_v null Sets the number of levels of vertical axis division labels.
axis_max_h NULL Maximum value for horizontal axis.
axis_max_v NULL Maximum value for vertical axis.
axis_min_h NULL Minimum value for horizontal axis.
axis_min_v NULL Minimum value for vertical axis.
axis_overlap 5 Distance axes extend past grid.
axis_pad_bottom 0 Inserts space between bottom axis and grid area.
axis_pad_left 0 Inserts space between left axis and grid area.
axis_pad_right 0 Inserts space between right axis and grid area.
axis_pad_top 0 Inserts space between top axis and grid area.
axis_right false Enables axis on right of grid.
axis_space 15 Space between axes on the right of the graph.
axis_stroke_width 2 Width of axis lines.
axis_stroke_width_h NULL Width of horizontal axis line.
axis_stroke_width_v NULL Width of vertical axis line.
axis_text_align null Sets the text alignment for axis division labels.
axis_text_align_h null Sets the text alignment for horizontal axis division labels.
axis_text_align_v null Sets the text alignment for vertical axis division labels.
axis_text_angle_h 0 Angle of horizontal axis division text.
axis_text_angle_v 0 Angle of vertical axis division text.
axis_text_back_colour null Background colour for axis division labels.
axis_text_back_colour_h null Background colour for horizontal axis division labels.
axis_text_back_colour_v null Background colour for vertical axis division labels.
axis_text_callback NULL Callback function for axis division text labels.
axis_text_callback_x NULL Callback function for X axis division text labels.
axis_text_callback_y NULL Callback function for Y axis division text labels.
axis_text_colour NULL Colour of axis division labels.
axis_text_colour_h NULL Colour of horizontal axis division labels.
axis_text_colour_v NULL Colour of vertical axis division labels.
axis_text_line_spacing null Sets line spacing for axis division labels.
axis_text_line_spacing_h null Sets line spacing for horizontal axis division labels.
axis_text_line_spacing_v null Sets line spacing for vertical axis division labels.
axis_text_location "grid" Position of axis text when graph contains negative numbers.
axis_text_location_h null Position of horizontal axis text when graph contains negative numbers.
axis_text_location_v null Position of vertical axis text when graph contains negative numbers.
axis_text_position "outside" Position of axis division text labels.
axis_text_position_h NULL Position of horizontal axis division text labels.
axis_text_position_v NULL Position of vertical axis division text labels.
axis_text_space 2 Space between axis division text and axis.
axis_text_space_h NULL Space between horizontal axis division text and axis.
axis_text_space_v NULL Space between vertical axis division text and axis.
axis_ticks_x null Specifies positions of axis tick marks for X-axis.
axis_ticks_y null Specifies positions of axis tick marks for Y-axis.
axis_tightness_x 0 Sets the algorithm used to choose X-axis divisions.
axis_tightness_y 1 Sets the algorithm used to choose Y-axis divisions.
axis_top false Switches the horizontal axis from the bottom of the grid to the top.
axis_zero_y true Allows graph to pick a non-zero value for bottom of Y-axis.
dataset_axis NULL Enables multiple Y-axes.
datetime_text_format NULL Date format for date/time axis.
datetime_week_start "monday" Week start day for date/time axis.
decimal_digits NULL Number of decimal digits in axis text labels.
decimal_digits_x NULL Number of decimal digits in X axis text labels.
decimal_digits_y NULL Number of decimal digits in Y axis text labels.
division_colour NULL Colour of axis division marks.
division_colour_h NULL Colour of horizontal axis division marks.
division_colour_v NULL Colour of vertical axis division marks.
division_size 3 Length of division marks.
division_size_h NULL Size of horizontal axis division marks.
division_size_v NULL Size of vertical axis division marks.
division_style "out" Style of axis division marks.
division_style_h NULL Style of horizontal axis division marks.
division_style_v NULL Style of vertical axis division marks.
force_block_label_x false Forces block-style labelling for X axis.
grid_back_colour NULL Colour of grid area background.
grid_back_opacity 1 Opacity of grid background fill.
grid_back_stripe false Displays grid background stripes.
grid_back_stripe_colour "rgb(240,240,240)" Colour of grid background stripes.
grid_back_stripe_opacity 1 Opacity of grid background stripes.
grid_bottom NULL Position of bottom of grid.
grid_clip_overlap_x 2 Sets the grid clipping overlap to the left and right sides.
grid_clip_overlap_y 10 Sets the grid clipping overlap above and below the grid area.
grid_colour "rgb(220,220,220)" Colour of grid lines.
grid_colour_h NULL Colour of vertical grid lines.
grid_colour_v NULL Colour of horizontal grid lines.
grid_dash NULL Grid lines dash pattern.
grid_dash_h NULL Grid vertical lines dash pattern.
grid_dash_v NULL Grid horizontal lines dash pattern.
grid_division_h NULL Division interval on horizontal axis.
grid_division_v NULL Division interval on vertical axis.
grid_left NULL Position of left side of grid.
grid_right NULL Position of right side of grid.
grid_straight false Enables straight grid lines on radar graph.
grid_stroke_width 1 Sets the thickness of grid lines.
grid_stroke_width_h null Sets the thickness of grid lines drawn from the horizontal axis.
grid_stroke_width_v null Sets the thickness of grid lines drawn from the vertical axis.
grid_subdivision_colour "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)" Colour of grid subdivision lines.
grid_subdivision_colour_h NULL Colour of vertical grid subdivision lines.
grid_subdivision_colour_v NULL Colour of horizontal grid subdivision lines.
grid_subdivision_dash NULL Grid subdivision lines dash pattern.
grid_subdivision_dash_h NULL Grid vertical subdivision lines dash pattern.
grid_subdivision_dash_v NULL Grid horizontal subdivision lines dash pattern.
grid_subdivision_stroke_width null Sets the thickness of grid subdivision lines.
grid_subdivision_stroke_width_h null Sets the thickness of vertical grid subdivision lines.
grid_subdivision_stroke_width_v null Sets the thickness of horizontal grid subdivision lines.
grid_top NULL Position of top of grid.
increment NULL X-axis increment for histograms.
label_colour "rgb(0,0,0)" Colour for axis label text.
label_colour_h NULL Colour for horizontal axis label text.
label_colour_v NULL Colour for vertical axis label text.
label_font "Arial" Font for axis labels.
label_font_h NULL Font for horizontal axis label.
label_font_size 10 Font size for axis labels.
label_font_size_h NULL Font size for horizontal axis label.
label_font_size_v NULL Font size for vertical axis label.
label_font_v NULL Font for vertical axis label.
label_font_weight "normal" Font weight for axis labels.
label_font_weight_h NULL Font weight for horizontal axis label.
label_font_weight_v NULL Font weight for vertical axis label.
label_h "" Text label for horizontal axis.
label_line_spacing null Sets line spacing for axis labels.
label_line_spacing_h null Sets line spacing for label on horizontal axis.
label_line_spacing_v null Sets line spacing for label on vertical axis.
label_space 6 Spacing around axis labels.
label_v "" Text label for vertical axis.
label_x "" Text label for X axis.
label_y "" Text label for Y axis.
limit_text_angle true Limits the angle of axis text to between -90° and +90°.
log_axis_x false Enables logarithmic scale for X-axis.
log_axis_x_base 10 Specifies logarithm base for use on logarithmic X-axis.
log_axis_y false Enables logarithmic Y-axis divisions.
log_axis_y_base 10 Base of the logarithmic axis scale.
minimum_grid_spacing 15 Minimum distance between grid/axis divisions.
minimum_grid_spacing_h NULL Minimum distance between horizontal axis divisions.
minimum_grid_spacing_v NULL Minimum distance between vertical axis divisions.
minimum_subdivision 5 Minimum distance between subdivisions.
minimum_units_y 0 Minimum units to display on Y axis.
show_axes true Enables axis display.
show_axis_h true Enables horizontal axis line.
show_axis_text_h true Enables labelling of horizontal axis divisions.
show_axis_text_v true Enables labelling of vertical axis divisions.
show_axis_v true Enables vertical axis line.
show_divisions true Enables axis division marks.
show_grid true Disables displaying grid.
show_grid_h true Disables displaying horizontal grid lines.
show_grid_subdivisions false Enables displaying grid subdivisions.
show_grid_v true Disables displaying vertical grid lines.
show_subdivisions false Enables axis subdivision marks.
show_x_axis true Enables X-axis on radar graphs.
subdivision_colour NULL Colour of axis subdivision marks.
subdivision_colour_h NULL Colour of horizontal axis subdivision marks.
subdivision_colour_v NULL Colour of vertical axis subdivision marks.
subdivision_h NULL Horizontal axis subdivision interval.
subdivision_size 2 Length of axis subdivision marks.
subdivision_size_h NULL Length of horizontal axis subdivision marks.
subdivision_size_v NULL Length of vertical axis subdivision marks.
subdivision_style "out" Style of axis subdivision marks.
subdivision_style_h NULL Style of horizontal axis subdivision marks.
subdivision_style_v NULL Style of vertical axis subdivision marks.
subdivision_v NULL Vertical axis subdivision interval.
text_classes_file null Specifies an INI file for use with text classes.
units_before_x NULL Units shown before value on X-axis.
units_before_y NULL Units shown before value on Y-axis.
units_x NULL Units shown after value on X-axis.
units_y NULL Units shown after value on Y-axis.
Grid-based graph options

These are the marker-related options from the options list:

Marker options - Hide table

block_position_markers false Positions markers between grid points.
figure null Defines a shape or group of shapes for reuse.
gantt_milestone_colour null Sets the colour of milestone markers on Gantt charts.
gantt_milestone_size 6 Sets the size of milestone markers on Gantt charts.
gantt_milestone_type "diamond" Sets the type of marker used for milestones on Gantt charts.
marker_angle 0 Sets a rotation angle for the markers.
marker_colour NULL Colour of markers.
marker_opacity 1 Sets the opacity of the markers.
marker_size 5 Size of markers.
marker_solid true Disables use of patterns and gradients in markers.
marker_stroke_colour NULL Colour of marker outlines.
marker_stroke_width 1 Thickness of marker outlines.
marker_type "circle" Shape of markers.
shape NULL Adds custom shapes to the graph.
Marker options

The best-fit line options are common to all line and scatter graphs:

Best-fit options - Hide table

best_fit NULL Enables best-fit lines.
best_fit_above false Depth of best-fit lines.
best_fit_colour "rgb(0,0,0)" Colour of best-fit lines.
best_fit_dash NULL Best-fit lines dash pattern.
best_fit_opacity 1 Opacity of best-fit lines.
best_fit_project NULL Best-fit line projections.
best_fit_project_colour NULL Colour of best-fit line projections.
best_fit_project_dash 4 Dash pattern for best-fit line projections.
best_fit_project_opacity NULL Opacity of best-fit line projections.
best_fit_project_width NULL Thickness of best-fit line projections.
best_fit_range NULL Range for best-fit lines.
best_fit_type NULL Limits type of function used for curved best-fit lines.
best_fit_width 1 Thickness of best-fit lines.
Best-fit options

The options in this table are for use with the scatter graphs:

Scatter graph options - Hide table

scatter_2d NULL If true data is in (x,y) pairs, as described above
Scatter graph options

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