JPEG Saver 4.8


The main changes to this version of JPEG Saver are in the resizing options, though they are a bit more obvious than the previous changes I made there in version 4.7.1. I've split the resizing options up so that you can specify a maximum size for images to be scaled down to, and a minimum size for images to be scaled up to. You can choose a different resizing method for smaller and larger images as well.

Also new to the resizing options section is the choice over whether to resize by percentage or pixels. The percentage method is the old way, where 100% means that the image is scaled to fit the screen by width or height depending on the shape of the image and screen. Resizing by pixels scales the image to fit its longest edge to the given length in pixels. Resizing by pixels also allows you to specify a size that is larger than your screen, instead of being limited to 100% in percentage mode.

I've also made improvements to the way the border item works. If you are resizing by percentage, then the border sizes are taken into account when calculating the new image size to keep the borders on the screen. There are also some new options available to specify which edges are drawn for the borders, and how the lines end.

The “Pile” and “Desktop Pile” backgrounds will now only pile up the main image and any borders by default. There is a new option in the item dialogs to “Allow piling” if you want the text to appear as part of the pile too.

“Desktop” and “Desktop Pile” backgrounds now work better on multi-monitor systems by using the actual desktop for each screen instead of duplicating the primary monitor desktop. I hope to improve multi-monitor support in other areas in future versions.

The IPTC and Exif fields in the “Image Info” item will now detect UTF-8 text and display it properly. I have also fixed several bugs in the Exif and IPTC readers that could cause crashes when reading invalid data field values.

The new version is available from the downloads page.

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