TagCanvas 2.5


TagCanvas 2.5 adds a couple of options that I have been asked for recently. The simplest is a new outlineMethod, “size”, demonstrated in the example below. It looks a bit odd to me, but hey-ho. There's an extra option called outlineIncrease to specify by how much the tags increase in size when selected. Use a negative amount if you want the tags to get smaller, though I think that looks even weirder.

New styling options

Multi-weighted tags

The other new options are also used by the example cloud, and add support for displaying multiple weights on a single cloud. To use multiple weights you must use the weightFrom option, specifying the different attributes as a comma or space separated list. The example uses three weights and a weightFrom of “data-w1 data-w2 data-w3”.

Until now weights could only be displayed as the text size or its colour. Now that TagCanvas supports a filled background with a border, it is possible to use these for weights too – the weightMode option now supports values of “bgcolour” and “bgoutline”. For using multiple weights it also supports a list of options separated by spaces or commas. The example is using a value of “size bgcolour bgoutline”. You can change the order of the options to match the list of weight sources in weightFrom.

Finally, the different parts of a tag being coloured depending on their weight would be a bit limited if the same gradient was used for all of them, so now the weightGradient option also supports a list of values. Instead of a single object with its members providing the colour position and value, you can now specify an array of gradients, one for each weight. The gradients used by the example look like this:

options.weightGradient = [
 { 0: "#fff", 0.3: "#0ff", 0.7: "#00f", 1: "#000" },
 { 0: "#ff0", 1: "#f60" }

Note the empty braces as the first entry in the array – this is because the first weight mode is “size”, and its gradient is not used (but must be present in the array). Take a look at the weighted tags page for more details of these new options and some example gradients.

This version also contains some updates to the way image scaling is handled. It should not affect most users, though if you use TagCanvas as a gallery front end it might make things a bit smoother.

The new version is availabe from the TagCanvas page.

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