TagCanvas 2.5.1


A quick bug-fix version of TagCanvas this time, with no new features to talk about.

The first bug fixed is the Update and Reload functions failing to update the background or border colours of tags when the background colour of the link has changed (and it is used as the source of colour). This is not so much a bug, more a case of me forgetting to add the support in when I added the tag backgrounds and borders. It's fixed, anyway.

The next bug would cause the script to crash out when using clickToFront and tooltips. Attempting to find the text to display for the active tag was throwing an exception, so now TagCanvas does not attempt to display any tooltips for a tag that is being moved by the RotateTag functions.

The third bug is an extra sanity check for weighted tags. If a tag's weight is 0 (or less) then it will now be weighted as 1 instead of causing a divide by zero exception (or anything weirder). This covers both weights provided by the font size and using data-* attributes.

Next is a bug that caused TagCanvas to fail for some old browsers. I don't think many people are still using these browsers, or at least I hope not, but it should be fixed anyway.

I have updated the FAQ page with something that I have been asked about a few times recently, resizing the canvas as part of a responsive design site. It's actually very simple, but I thought it would be best to illustrate it with an example.

The updated files are available from the TagCanvas page.

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