SVGGraph 2.20.1


SVGGraph 2.20.1 is mainly a bugfix release, though I've fitted in a couple of new options as well. The main bug fixed in this version is in the calculation of unit values for shapes (and custom labels) when the graph axes are not in the bottom left of the graph. This happens when you have negative values or adjust the axis minimum value.

The second bug is very minor - passing an array containing a single value as a colour was being parsed as a gradient. This caused an error because there were too few colours, so now SVGGraph will just use the single colour.

The first of the new options is bar_width_min, which gives you a bit more control over the automatic bar sizing. Up until now bars have always had a minimum width of one pixel, and the option will continue to use a value of 1 by default.

The other option added is for using with shapes, clip_to_grid, which cuts off any bits of the shape that are outside the grid area. In case you were wondering, shapes are always cut off at the edge of the SVG document so there is no need to add an option for that.

The update is available from the downloads page as well as on GitHub and via Composer / Packagist.

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