SVGGraph 3.2


SVGGraph 3.2 is a fairly minor update, adding a few new options but mostly fixing things. The first thing on the list uses a new option to fix a problem that has been around for a long time.

Zero length axis

The most important new option is axis_fallback_max, which defaults to 1 and sets the value for the end of the axis when SVGGraph can't figure it out from the data. Up until now passing in data with all the values being 0 resulted in an unhelpful “Zero length axis” error message, since I didn't want to choose an arbitrary value to put at the end of the axis in case it didn't make sense for the intended use of the graph.

Now the Y-axis will end at the value of the axis_fallback_max option if there are no non-zero values and the axis_max_v option (or axis_max_h option for horizontal graphs) is not set. So this means I have finally chosen an arbitrary value, and it is 1*.

Legend order

The second new option is legend_order, which allows you to override the order of entries that SVGGraph would usually pick for the legend. The legend can keep the normal order of the entries, or it can be reversed, sorted alphabetically, or given a specific order using an array.

More new options

The axis_label_position option and its per-axis variants axis_label_position_h and axis_label_position_v were contributed via GitHub. They allow you to shift the position of the axis description labels along the axis one way or the other.

The other new option is dataset, which is supported by all the pie-type graphs to choose which dataset from a multi-dataset array of values will be used to display the graph. This might not sound very useful, but it should make it easier to display multiple pie graphs as subgraphs.


Here's the list of fixes, in no particular order:

Where to get it

SVGGraph 3.2 is available from the downloads page, or from GitHub and via Composer / Packagist.

* If I had a brain the size of a planet I would probably have picked 42.

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