JPEG Saver 5.32


This new version of JPEG Saver is mostly concerned with improving metadata support. Plus there are a few bugs fixed.

Metadata everywhere

Until now metadata support has been mostly limited to reading Exif metadata, IPTC metadata and ICC colour profiles (ICCP) from JPEG images. For version 5.32 I wanted to support reading from more file types and more types of metadata.

Here is a table of how things stand now:

Metadata support in JPEG Saver 5.32

The one “No” in the table for IPTC from WebP files is because WebP doesn't support IPTC - it looks like the developers decided it was an outdated format and didn't bother with it.


Apart from adding IPTC, Exif and ICC profile support to the other file types, the major difference in this version is the support for XMP. This is an XML-based format with no fixed list of fields to support. Because of that JPEG Saver uses a format token where you can enter the name of the field which will be matched against nodes and attributes from the XMP data.

The image info item supports XMP using %<namespace:FieldName> or just %<FieldName>. If it is a date/time field you can also append the date format in {} brackets. The field and namespace matching is case-sensitive, so %<Title> and %<title> would match different fields.

Bugs fixed

• The “Resume” option wasn't working, and that is now fixed. The faster exiting code that I implemented in version 5.29 was skipping the bit that writes the current file to the database, so JPEG Saver didn't know where to resume from.

• The “Settings” and “Preview” buttons in the screen saver control panel were not working when JPEG Saver was playing a video in the little preview window. This turned out to be because JPEG Saver's (invisible) video window was on top of those buttons and getting in the way.

• Windowed / geometry mode was not working properly when Direct3D was disabled. This was a complicated bug to fix, but it meant I made the desktop background option work better in windowed mode too.

† Multiple folder support for “JPEG Saver slideshow” Explorer integration. I've used a dagger symbol instead of a bullet symbol because this isn't really fixed, and I don't believe it can be without some serious changes to how JPEG Saver works. For now I have just prevented multiple instances from trying to display at the same time.

Download here

The updated installers are available from the downloads page.

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