Review date: 9th Mar 2024

Brewdog Planet Pale Ale

On the fifth day of Christmas the Brewdog beer case gave me a pale ale. This comes as something of a relief after the Elvis Juice.


From the website:

Planet Pale is our new Headliner range 4.3% session-strength pale ale. This quaffable creation is laced with Columbus, Chinook and Citra hops for a sharp citrus aroma and piney notes that give way to mellow tropical fruits.


I like pale ale, the fruity guff is not putting me off. I expect to enjoy this one.


Smells a little bit of citrus, has a yellow colour and is slightly cloudy. It has a bit of a citrus taste too, but I find it quite pleasant and refreshing. Especially after just drinking the Elvis Juice.

The write-up says "session-strength", but I don't think I would want to drink a lot of it.


3/5 : Not bad. Too much citrus for me to really like, but it was OK.

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