Review date: 5th Jul 2024

John Smith's Extra Smooth

Another beer that I come back to regularly, probably because it's available everywhere and I know that it is a safe bet.


From the website:

This bestselling ale has a distinct cereal character, combined with malt and caramel.


I have drunk this before, and I know what to expect. I can't remember anything specific about it apart from it being smooth. It says "Serve Cold" on the can, so it has been in the fridge for a week.


There is not much smell, maybe a bit malty. The widget in the can makes a thick layer of foam on the top, which is probably why I can't smell much. The beer itself is quite a dark brown colour.

The taste is a bit malty, a bit bitter, slightly nutty. It is not a strong taste, and doesn't leave much aftertaste either. The blurb from the website says caramel, but I'm not getting anything sweet from it.

It is smooth, I will give it that. I don't think I have ever complained about a beer not being smooth enough though. In fact, I think I probably prefer the non-widget version of John Smith's, but it is not as widely available.


3/5 : It is smooth and it doesn't taste bad, but it just doesn't have enough of a taste for me.

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