News archive
Fun with a motion sensor
A couple of days ago I was doing my regular poke around the technical fringes of the web and found out that FireFox now supports triggering events from the accelerometer built into laptops. I had to try it out, and the result is a version of TagCanvas that will rotate in response to tilting the computer.
It's not actually any use, but you can play with it on the new accelerometer page.
JPEG Saver 4.0.1 and 3.6.2
These are very small updates to the latest JPEG Saver versions - the PNG library is updated and there's a new option for people who don't mind editing the config file, "exclude", which prevents folders from being included in the recursive folder scan. You can get them from the downloads page.
Work continues on JPEG Saver 4.1, which will hopefully bring some new and interesting stuff. I don't want to say what in case I change my mind.
TagCanvas 1.4
Another small update to TagCanvas, this time to improve compatibility with other scripts by making the tags use any event handlers that the links have. I've also added a minSpeed option so that you can keep the tags in motion when the mouse is not inside the canvas.
As usual, the updated stand alone and jQuery versions are available from the TagCanvas page.
TagCanvas 1.3
This new version of TagCanvas doesn't look much different on the outside, but internally I've made quite a few changes to support the use of ExplorerCanvas. If you have never heard of ExplorerCanvas (like I had until a short time ago) this is a Javascript file which translates canvas code to VML understood by Internet Explorer.
TagCanvas 1.3 also supports the use of image links, though annoyingly it doesn't work in IE, even with ExplorerCanvas. For full details and downloads, visit the TagCanvas page.
Edit: if anyone's wondering why I haven't updated the version on the jQuery plugins site, this forum post might explain it a bit.
SVGGraph 2.0
I've updated SVGGraph with two new graph types, a few new options and an overhaul of the class hierarchy to update it to use the PHP 5 syntax. I'm not planning to support PHP 4 any more, but the old version is still available if you really want it.