SVGGraph options: fill_under

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Option name:
Default value:
StackedLineGraph: true
Added in version:
Data type:
boolean [?]

The datatypes used in this documentation for specifying SVGGraph options are described below. All options can be a literal value of the data type described, a variable containing the data type, or an expression that will produce the data type when evaluated (and they must always be valid PHP expressions).

An array, the number and data types of its members will depend on the option for which is it used.
A boolean TRUE or FALSE value, or any values that convert easily such as 1, "1", 0 and "".
A callable function, which can be either the name of a function or an anonymous function itself.
Any of the colour values supported by SVG inside a single or double quoted string. These include three and six digit hex codes, RGB and RGBA colours, and colour names. SVG uses "none" for no colour, which generally leaves things transparent.
A colour value or one of the gradients and patterns supported by SVGGraph. See the SVGGraph colours page for details.
A negative or positive whole number or 0.
An integer or float value, or a string containing a number followed by one of these CSS units: px, in, cm, mm, pt, pc.
Any number supported by PHP, for example 1 or -3.2 or 1.63e5 or M_PI.
Single or double quoted strings. Remember to double-quote your strings if you are inserting a line break:
"Line 1\nLine 2".
yes [?]

Per-dataset options allow specifying one option for all datasets or an array of options to be used for each dataset in turn. If there are more datasets than entries in the option array, the sequence will be repeated.


$settings['widget_taste'] = 'banana';
$settings['widget_colour'] = array(
  'red', 'green', 'blue'

For this example, the widgets for all datasets will taste of banana. The graph will use red widgets for dataset 0, green widgets for dataset 1 and blue widgets for dataset 2. Dataset 3 repeats the sequence so its widgets will be red, dataset 4 will have green widgets and dataset 5 will have blue widgets.

Supported by:
BarAndLineGraph LineGraph MultiLineGraph MultiRadarGraph MultiSteppedLineGraph RadarGraph StackedBarAndLineGraph StackedLineGraph SteppedLineGraph
line radar

Fills the area under the line.

This option specifies whether the area under the line on line graphs and inside the line on radar graphs is filled in. The filled area can use gradients and patterns.

Filling is disabled by default for line and multi-line graphs because the lines can overlap, with the area of one line hiding another. This can be mitigated to some extent using the fill_opacity option.


$settings['fill_under'] = array(false, false, true);

This example will fill the area under dataset 2, leaving the areas under datasets 0 and 1 unfilled.

Using fill_under will usually fill between the line and the X-axis. If you want to fill to the bottom of the grid instead, set the value of fill_under to "full" and the filled area will ignore the axis position.

Note: when the line_figure option is enabled, the fill_under option causes only the shape defined by the data points to be filled, not the area between the shape and the axis.

See also:
line_stroke_width line_dash fill_opacity line_figure

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