Average lines example
The code below is the source for this graph.
// Average lines example
require_once 'SVGGraph/autoloader.php';
$settings = [
'back_stroke_width' => 0,
'back_shadow' => 3,
'back_colour' => 'white',
'auto_fit' => true,
'axis_font' => 'Arial',
'axis_font_size' => 12,
'axis_font_weight' => 'bold',
'axis_text_space' => 5,
'bar_space' => 15,
'stroke_width' => 2,
'stroke_colour' => 'fillColour/brightness(-20%)',
'structure' => [
'key' => 0, 'value' => [1, 2, 3,],
'show_average' => true,
'average_title_callback' => function($d, $a) { return sprintf('Average: %.2F', $a); },
'average_above' => [false, false, true],
'average_opacity' => 0.8,
'average_title_colour' => 'fillColour/brightness(40%)',
'average_title_weight' => 'bold',
'average_title_position' => 'outside right',
'pad_right' => 80,
'graph_title' => 'GroupedBar3DGraph with average lines',
'graph_subtitle' => 'With shadow and subtitle too',
'graph_subtitle_font_size' => 11,
'graph_title_space' => 1,
$values = [
[0, 55, 54, 11 ],
[1, 34, 20, 11 ],
[2, 155, 19, 12 ],
[3, 98, 75, 100 ],
[4, 122, 54, 99 ],
[5, 85, 10, 13 ],
[6, 94, 15, 15 ],
[7, 112, 45, 11 ],
[8, 120, 56, 12 ],
[9, 88, 48, 11 ],
$graph = new Goat1000\SVGGraph\SVGGraph(670, 300, $settings);
$graph->colourRangeHexHSL(0, 'red/saturation(180%)/brightness(150%)', 'red/saturation(60%)');
$graph->colourRangeHexHSL(1, 'green/saturation(180%)/brightness(150%)', 'green/saturation(60%)');
$graph->colourRangeHexHSL(2, 'blue/saturation(180%)/brightness(150%)', 'blue/saturation(60%)');
Please note: the source code above comes from a script used to generate one of the example graphs on the site. This is simply a wrapper page to apply highlighting and make the source code easier to read, so there is no content here to describe what the source code is doing.