SVGGraph options tagged 'label'
This page lists all the options currently available for use in the SVGGraph
constructor's $settings
array. The lists of graph types and tags
can be used to filter the list of options, and each option name is a link to
a page with further details about the option.
Graph type support: ArrayGraph Bar3DGraph BarAndLineGraph BarGraph BoxAndWhiskerGraph BubbleGraph CandlestickGraph CylinderGraph Donut3DGraph DonutGraph EmptyGraph ExplodedDonut3DGraph ExplodedDonutGraph ExplodedPie3DGraph ExplodedPieGraph ExplodedSemiDonut3DGraph ExplodedSemiDonutGraph FloatingBarGraph GanttChart GroupedBar3DGraph GroupedBarGraph GroupedCylinderGraph Histogram HorizontalBar3DGraph HorizontalBarGraph HorizontalFloatingBarGraph HorizontalGroupedBar3DGraph HorizontalGroupedBarGraph HorizontalStackedBar3DGraph HorizontalStackedBarGraph LineGraph MultiLineGraph MultiRadarGraph MultiScatterGraph MultiSteppedLineGraph Pie3DGraph PieGraph PolarArea3DGraph PolarAreaGraph PopulationPyramid RadarGraph ScatterGraph SemiDonut3DGraph SemiDonutGraph StackedBar3DGraph StackedBarAndLineGraph StackedBarGraph StackedCylinderGraph StackedGroupedBar3DGraph StackedGroupedBarGraph StackedGroupedCylinderGraph StackedLineGraph SteppedLineGraph
130 options with tag label:
Option | Default | Summary |
bar_label_colour | "rgb(0,0,0)" |
Colour of bar label text. |
bar_label_colour_above | NULL |
Alternative colour to use when the bar label is outside the bar. |
bar_label_font | "Arial" |
Font for bar labels. |
bar_label_font_size | 10 |
Size of bar label font. |
bar_label_font_weight | "normal" |
Weight of bar label font. |
bar_label_position | "top" |
Where to display the bar label. |
bar_label_space | 3 |
Space between label and top of bar. |
bar_total_angle | NULL |
Text angle for bar total labels. |
bar_total_back_colour | NULL |
Background colour for bar total labels. |
bar_total_callback | NULL |
Callback function for bar total label text. |
bar_total_colour | "rgb(0,0,0)" |
Text colour for bar total labels. |
bar_total_fill | NULL |
Fill colour for bar total label boxes. |
bar_total_font | "Arial" |
Font for bar total labels. |
bar_total_font_adjust | NULL |
Font width adjustment for bar total labels. |
bar_total_font_size | 10 |
Font size for bar total labels. |
bar_total_font_weight | "normal" |
Font weight for bar total labels. |
bar_total_outline_colour | NULL |
Edge colour for bar total label boxes. |
bar_total_outline_thickness | NULL |
Thickness of bar total label box edges. |
bar_total_padding | NULL |
Spacing inside bar total label boxes. |
bar_total_padding_x | NULL |
Horizontal padding inside bar total labels. |
bar_total_padding_y | NULL |
Vertical padding inside bar total labels. |
bar_total_round | NULL |
Corner radius of bar total label boxes. |
bar_total_shadow_opacity | NULL |
Opacity of bar total label shadows. |
bar_total_space | 3 |
Space between bar total label and bar. |
bar_total_tail_length | NULL |
Length of bar total label bubble tails. |
bar_total_tail_width | NULL |
Thickness of bar total label bubble tails. |
bar_total_type | NULL |
Type of bar total labels. |
data_label_align | null |
Data label text alignment. |
data_label_angle | 0 |
Text angle for data labels. |
data_label_back_colour | NULL |
Colour of label text border. |
data_label_back_colour_outside | NULL |
Alternative label text border colour. |
data_label_callback | NULL |
Callback function for data label text. |
data_label_click | false |
Enables click-to-show/hide for data labels. |
data_label_colour | "rgb(0,0,0)" |
Text colour for data labels. |
data_label_colour_outside | NULL |
Alternative text colour for data labels. |
data_label_datetime_format | "Y-m-d H:i:s" |
Date format for date/time keys in labels. |
data_label_fade_in_speed | 0 |
Fade in speed for data labels. |
data_label_fade_out_speed | 0 |
Fade out speed for data labels. |
data_label_fill | "white" |
Data label background colour. |
data_label_filter | NULL |
Limits the data labels displayed. |
data_label_font | "Arial" |
Font used for data labels. |
data_label_font_adjust | 0.6 |
Font adjust value for label text. |
data_label_font_size | 10 |
Font size for data labels. |
data_label_font_weight | "normal" |
Font weight for data labels. |
data_label_line_spacing | null |
Sets line spacing for data labels. |
data_label_max_count | 100 |
Maximum number of data labels to display. |
data_label_min_space | 0 |
Minimum space required for label. |
data_label_opacity | 1 |
Sets the opacity of data labels. |
data_label_outline_colour | "rgb(0,0,0)" |
Edge colour for data labels. |
data_label_outline_thickness | 1 |
Line thickness for data labels. |
data_label_padding | 3 |
Space inside data label boxes. |
data_label_padding_x | NULL |
Horizontal space in data label box. |
data_label_padding_y | NULL |
Vertical space in data label box. |
data_label_popfront | false |
Enables pop-to-front for data labels. |
data_label_position | "top" |
Position of data label. |
data_label_round | 0 |
Radius of data label corners. |
data_label_same_size | false |
Determines if all data labels should be the same size. |
data_label_shadow_opacity | 0.3 |
Opacity of data label shadows. |
data_label_space | 3 |
The space between the label and the data item. |
data_label_tail_end | "flat" |
Style of data label tail ending. |
data_label_tail_end_angle | 45 |
Angle of data label tail ending. |
data_label_tail_end_width | 10 |
Width of data label tail ending. |
data_label_tail_length | 3 |
Length of data label tails. |
data_label_tail_width | 5 |
Thickness of data label tails. |
data_label_type | "plain" |
The style of label to use. |
decimal | "." |
Decimal point character for axis labels, etc. |
decimal_digits | NULL |
Number of decimal digits in axis text labels. |
decimal_digits_x | NULL |
Number of decimal digits in X axis text labels. |
decimal_digits_y | NULL |
Number of decimal digits in Y axis text labels. |
force_block_label_x | false |
Forces block-style labelling for X axis. |
graph_subtitle | null |
Sets the sub-title for the graph. |
graph_subtitle_colour | null |
Sets the colour of the graph sub-title. |
graph_subtitle_font | null |
Sets the font for use by the graph sub-title. |
graph_subtitle_font_size | 10 |
Sets the font size for the graph sub-title. |
graph_subtitle_font_weight | null |
Sets the font weight for the graph sub-title. |
graph_subtitle_space | 5 |
Sets the distance between the graph sub-title and main title. |
graph_title | "" |
Title displayed on the graph. |
graph_title_colour | "black" |
Colour of graph title text. |
graph_title_font | "Arial" |
Font for graph title. |
graph_title_font_size | 12 |
Font size for graph title. |
graph_title_font_weight | "normal" |
Font weight for graph title. |
graph_title_space | 10 |
Spacing around graph title. |
inner_text | NULL |
Text for centre of donut graph. |
inner_text_back_colour | NULL |
Background colour for donut graph centre text. |
inner_text_colour | NULL |
Colour of donut graph centre text. |
inner_text_font | NULL |
Font for donut graph centre text. |
inner_text_font_adjust | NULL |
Font size ratio for donut graph centre text. |
inner_text_font_size | NULL |
Font size for donut graph centre text. |
inner_text_font_weight | NULL |
Font weight for donut graph centre text. |
label | NULL |
Adds custom labels to the graph. |
label_back_colour | NULL |
Pie graph label background colour. |
label_colour | "rgb(0,0,0)" |
Colour for axis label text. |
label_colour_h | NULL |
Colour for horizontal axis label text. |
label_colour_v | NULL |
Colour for vertical axis label text. |
label_fade_in_speed | 0 |
Pie graph label fade in speed. |
label_fade_out_speed | 0 |
Pie graph label fade out speed. |
label_font | "Arial" |
Font for axis labels. |
label_font_h | NULL |
Font for horizontal axis label. |
label_font_size | 10 |
Font size for axis labels. |
label_font_size_h | NULL |
Font size for horizontal axis label. |
label_font_size_v | NULL |
Font size for vertical axis label. |
label_font_v | NULL |
Font for vertical axis label. |
label_font_weight | "normal" |
Font weight for axis labels. |
label_font_weight_h | NULL |
Font weight for horizontal axis label. |
label_font_weight_v | NULL |
Font weight for vertical axis label. |
label_h | "" |
Text label for horizontal axis. |
label_line_spacing | null |
Sets line spacing for axis labels. |
label_line_spacing_h | null |
Sets line spacing for label on horizontal axis. |
label_line_spacing_v | null |
Sets line spacing for label on vertical axis. |
label_percent_decimals | 2 |
Decimal places in label percentages. |
label_position | 0.75 |
Distance of label from centre. |
label_space | 6 |
Spacing around axis labels. |
label_v | "" |
Text label for vertical axis. |
label_x | "" |
Text label for X axis. |
label_y | "" |
Text label for Y axis. |
show_axes | true |
Enables axis display. |
show_bar_labels | false |
Displays bar value in or above bar. |
show_bar_totals | false |
Enables displaying total for bar stack. |
show_data_labels | false |
Displays labels for data items. |
show_label_amount | false |
Shows item amount in data label. |
show_label_key | true |
Shows item key in data label. |
show_label_percent | false |
Shows item percentage in data label. |
show_labels | true |
Enables pie graph labels. |
thousands | "," |
Thousands separator for axis labels, etc. |
units_before_label | NULL |
String to display before value in data labels. |
units_before_x | NULL |
Units shown before value on X-axis. |
units_before_y | NULL |
Units shown before value on Y-axis. |
units_label | NULL |
String to display after value in data labels. |
units_x | NULL |
Units shown after value on X-axis. |
units_y | NULL |
Units shown after value on Y-axis. |