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JPEG Saver 5.26.2

Another bugfix - not a crash this time, just something not working.

When is plain text not plain text?

When it's a vignette effect. I broke the plain text item in version 5.26, so you could still configure one but you would end up with a default-configured vignette effect when you ran the screensaver instead. It was very easy to fix, so I'm annoyed that I didn't notice it while I was testing.


The updated installers are on the downloads page.


JPEG Saver 5.26.1

Just two days after the release of 5.26, here's 5.26.1. This one fixes a crash.

Database weirdness

Obviously this bug didn't cause any crashes while I was doing my testing, but it was found pretty quickly by one user because it made JPEG Saver crash just after startup.

The problem might not affect many people because it was triggered by JPEG Saver failing to open its database on the first attempt, but succeeding on subsequent attempts. I'm hoping not many users will be in that situation, because it implies a configuration problem elsewhere.

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JPEG Saver 5.26

Not just bugs fixed this time, there are a couple of new changes. And some bugs fixed.

Vignette again

The vignette effect I added in version 5.25 is fine if you just want the one blurry blob around your screen edge. But what if you want it in a different colour? What if you want multiple vignette effects giving some kind of faded, stained photo look? Well, now there is a vignette item available for adding to the screen in the items tab that might help with that. You can set each vignette item's strength, colour and opacity, and arrange the order they are displayed in.

The background vignette effect is still there, and now it supports both rounded or rectangular shapes (as does the item-based vignette). I've fiddled with the rounded vignette algorithm a bit to make it more efficient, so its appearance may have changed slightly from the last version.

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JPEG Saver 5.25.1

Another bugfix release. Some of these bugs are playing hard to squash.


I thought I had this first bug fixed in the last version, but I just made it harder to trigger. I'm talking about crashing when deleting files again. I never actually managed to make this crash happen, but this time I'm quietly confident that I have it fixed - I was using the wrong function to do the deleting (and it was also the wrong function for making copies of files, but nobody has reported a crash doing that).

You may be wondering how I managed to use the wrong function to delete files. Well this is one of the joys of Windows programming, where there is more than one way to do just about everything. I know of six different functions that you could use for deleting files, and there are probably more.

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JPEG Saver 5.25

It's not a bugfix release this time, I've actually done some useful stuff in this version. A lot of it is internal with no obvious changes to how JPEG Saver looks, but it does make some other useful stuff possible.

This is not a pipe

The big internal changes are something I have had planned for a couple of years, and basically move some of the processing around and into a configurable pipeline to make things work better.

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