News archive
JPEG Saver 5.10
Here is another JPEG Saver update, not a very exciting one but it does have some useful changes. So the following is a list of all the modifications, in order of how obvious they would be if I didn't point them out:
Something Better Change
I've added a new change mode called “Sequential / Chronological”, and rearranged the order that the change modes appear in the drop-down list. The new mode displays images in chronological order within each folder, the folders being chosen in order from the folder list.
I think this is the first time I have changed the order that the change modes appear in - until now they were in the order that I added them, so there wasn't really any logic to the order. You might argue that there isn't much logic now either, but I did actually put some thought into it.
JPEG Saver 5.9
JPEG Saver 5.9 is another update that adds something from the darkest regions of my to-do list: user-defined keyboard mappings. And some other stuff.
Cosmic keys to my creations and times
Yes, you can now choose your own keys for all the various functions that JPEG Saver can do while it is displaying images. The new dialog for editing the keys is accessed via an “Edit keys...” button in the Interactive options dialog.
The dialog contains the list of all functions and their current and default key bindings. Click an item to select it, click the edit box below the list and press the key combination you want to use, then press the “Use” button. Or press the “Reset” button to revert to the default mapping instead.
SVGGraph 3.6
SVGGraph 3.6 is a fairly small update, with a few fixes, a couple of useful extra options and one new feature that I plan to expand upon in future versions.
Multi-level axis division labels
This is the new feature, something I have actually been thinking about for
quite a long time. It is enabled with the new axis_levels_h
options, along with some method of providing the text
for the new labels.
JPEG Saver 5.8
So here it is, after years of looking at the word “video” on the to-do list and deciding it sounded too much like hard work: version 5.8.
Video Killed the Radio Star
Yes, version 5.8 does add support for loading and playing videos. The main tab in the config dialog has a checkbox to enable loading video files and a button to take you to a dialog to configure what happens next.
If you just enable the main video option and disable the others, JPEG Saver will load the first frame of the video and use it like any other image type. If all your videos fade in from black that could be a bit boring, so I might have to improve that in the future.
JPEG Saver 5.7.1
Just a quick bugfix release for JPEG Saver this time, fixing some code that I added in version 5.7 that interacted with some other new code and meant JPEG Saver could crash.
The crashing was caused by JPEG Saver attempting to load images that don't exist (because of the new option that keeps the old database for a while) and then trying to display the size of the non-existent file. The file size token code was using a function that throws an exception when the file doesn't exist, which made JPEG Saver crash. I've replaced it with some code that won't crash, just return a file size of 0.
Another minor update is to the file size (again) and the two memory size tokens from the process info item. They were displaying some extra trailing spaces after the text, so I have cleaned that up. The only other change in this version is updating the WebP library to version 1.0.3.